Love people who truly loves you. Ignore people who talks shit 'bout you. Live your life happily. Laugh until you cry. Cry until you laugh.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Letters To Julliet
"What” and “If” are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if? What if? What if? I don’t know how your story ended but if what you felt then was true love, then it’s never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn’t it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart. I don’t know what a love like Juliet’s feels like - love to leave loved ones for, love to cross oceans for but I’d like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I will have the courage to seize it.
Hey guys :D udah lama nih aku ga posting, maaf yaa :3 wkwkw aku akhir2 ini sibuk bgt, pemotretan sanasini, catwalk, show, dll.. fuhh capek bgt -,- *boong kok :D wakakak
Okelah, mending kita lanjut posting aja yua :D
Okelah, mending kita lanjut posting aja yua :D
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Adorable Smirk
Harry Potter and the Bitch I Don't Got Time For You
Harry Potter and the Dramatic Zoom
Harry Potter and Is That Draco Stripping Over There?
Harry Potter and the Shut Up Hermin, Draco’s at it Again
HAHAHAHA enjoy guys :3
Friday, December 16, 2011
BEST 13TH BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oke guys, aku mau ngomong kalo.... Today is the.. BEST DAY AND THE BEST 13TH BIRTHDAY EVER!! E-VERRR!!!!!!!!! Aku ampe ga bisa ngomong apa2 deh! hahaha TOTALLY SPEECHLESS...!
Awalnya aku dtg ke sekolah lewat pintu belakang, terus pas lagi jalan, ketemu Suci, Melly, dan Arinda yang terus nyerbu aku n blg "Happy birthday" haha
teruuuss aku masuk ke sekolah n ketemu farah, terus nyalin isian LKS Bhs Indonesia dy *qiqiqi* dan seperti biasa, org yg aku kenal pd blg happy birthday ke aku.. Teruss bbrp jam kemudian, si farah mw keluar bareng bbrp anak, termsk Fiqa, and then setelah nunggu, nunggu, dan menungguu, dy dateng smbil bawa kue n ngucapin "Happy Birthday ya Jesslyn!" aaaaa aku seneng plus kaget bgt sumpaaah ga nyangka!! Yampuunn, terus kita foto2 diatas deh :D pokoknya aku tuh berterimakasih bgt ya sama Allah krn aku udh dikasih sahabat2 sebaik farah, fiqa, salma, dedes, mia, dll.... :D Thanks for today God, I love you :) dan ini dia pic ultahku:3
Awalnya aku dtg ke sekolah lewat pintu belakang, terus pas lagi jalan, ketemu Suci, Melly, dan Arinda yang terus nyerbu aku n blg "Happy birthday" haha
teruuuss aku masuk ke sekolah n ketemu farah, terus nyalin isian LKS Bhs Indonesia dy *qiqiqi* dan seperti biasa, org yg aku kenal pd blg happy birthday ke aku.. Teruss bbrp jam kemudian, si farah mw keluar bareng bbrp anak, termsk Fiqa, and then setelah nunggu, nunggu, dan menungguu, dy dateng smbil bawa kue n ngucapin "Happy Birthday ya Jesslyn!" aaaaa aku seneng plus kaget bgt sumpaaah ga nyangka!! Yampuunn, terus kita foto2 diatas deh :D pokoknya aku tuh berterimakasih bgt ya sama Allah krn aku udh dikasih sahabat2 sebaik farah, fiqa, salma, dedes, mia, dll.... :D Thanks for today God, I love you :) dan ini dia pic ultahku:3
Ini dia kue nya :3 unyuuhh hahahah
Aku dan lilinku ;D haha
Fiqa, Aku, Farah :D
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Gini gini aku tuh suka banget sama yang namanya MAKANAN lhoo :D ahihi
Awalnya sih aku kurang suka makan, tapi sejak punya tumblr, aku jd suka bgt yang namanya makan :3 hahaha
Awalnya sih aku kurang suka makan, tapi sejak punya tumblr, aku jd suka bgt yang namanya makan :3 hahaha
Kayaknya ini enak banget yaa.. Mhhh cupcaaaakee!!
Candies! Awww sweet and tasty but... It'll ruin my diet program ugh-_-
Yoghurt and fruits! Absolutely RECOMMENDED! (y)
Once again! Yoghurt and fruits! Yumm!
Looks so yummeehh!!! *.*
Oke guys, enough for today :) lanjut nanti ya gambar makanannya :3 maap yak udah buat kalian horny wkwkwk
Pics from :
The Picture of Of The Sun!
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The Sharpest View of The Sun Here is one of the sharper views of the Sun ever taken. This stunning image shows remarkable details of a dark sunspot across the image bottom and numerous boiling granules which appear like kernels of corn across the top. Taken in 2002, the picture was made using the Swedish Solar Telescope operating on the Canary Island of La Palma. |
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
15-12-11 #diary
Hari ini sebenernya ga ada apa2 sih...
Oke kita bahas hal lain ajaaa :3
hari ini aku disekolah bad mood bgt deh-,- males ngomoooong... gatau kenapa.. maaf ya temen2 yg udh dijutekkin :3 hahaha
n hari ini, aku&farah terlibat suatu pertikaian kecil yg ngebuat si fiqa marah2 gajelassss -__- jadi gini ceritanya, aku sama farah ke aula, karna farah mau nge-rekap nilai, sedangkan si fiqa lg mw ngumpul kemanaa gitu aku gatau hihi. Nah on the other side, si farah&fiqa tuh udh janjian bwt beli kado bareng bwt aku, tapiiiii ternyata, pas jam 11, pas kita keluar aula, ternyata sekolah udh sepi n fiqa udh pulang.. si farah akhirnya marah2 sendirii.. eeeh taunya, si fiqa ngira kita ber2 ninggalin dia-,- dy ampe ngomong fvck segala... tp akhirnya kita baikan lagi kok :D hihihi
Oke kita bahas hal lain ajaaa :3
hari ini aku disekolah bad mood bgt deh-,- males ngomoooong... gatau kenapa.. maaf ya temen2 yg udh dijutekkin :3 hahaha
n hari ini, aku&farah terlibat suatu pertikaian kecil yg ngebuat si fiqa marah2 gajelassss -__- jadi gini ceritanya, aku sama farah ke aula, karna farah mau nge-rekap nilai, sedangkan si fiqa lg mw ngumpul kemanaa gitu aku gatau hihi. Nah on the other side, si farah&fiqa tuh udh janjian bwt beli kado bareng bwt aku, tapiiiii ternyata, pas jam 11, pas kita keluar aula, ternyata sekolah udh sepi n fiqa udh pulang.. si farah akhirnya marah2 sendirii.. eeeh taunya, si fiqa ngira kita ber2 ninggalin dia-,- dy ampe ngomong fvck segala... tp akhirnya kita baikan lagi kok :D hihihi
The Time Of Our Lives - Miley Cyrus
"The Time Of Our Lives"
Seems like were holding on forever
I gotta let it go
Times up you pushed me to surrender (tonight)
Who knows whats happens now whatever
Where ever the wind blows
And I'm there as long as were together
Let's have the time of our lives!
Like theres no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
Let's have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let's have the time of our lives!
Dreamers don't care if its right
I think im really into you
Restless lets leave it all behind
And Tonight
Crazy when you cross my mind
Oh the trouble we could get into
So what lets just give this a try
Let's have the time of our lives!
Like theres no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let's have the time of our lives!
Lookin back what are we waitin
Take the chance Nows all we got for sure!
Let's have the time of our lives!
Like theres no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let's have the time of our lives!
Seems like were holding on forever
I gotta let it go
Times up you pushed me to surrender (tonight)
Who knows whats happens now whatever
Where ever the wind blows
And I'm there as long as were together
Let's have the time of our lives!
Like theres no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
Let's have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let's have the time of our lives!
Dreamers don't care if its right
I think im really into you
Restless lets leave it all behind
And Tonight
Crazy when you cross my mind
Oh the trouble we could get into
So what lets just give this a try
Let's have the time of our lives!
Like theres no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let's have the time of our lives!
Lookin back what are we waitin
Take the chance Nows all we got for sure!
Let's have the time of our lives!
Like theres no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let's have the time of our lives!
Hai Guys :D
Heeeyyy all :D ini postingan pertamaku lhoo hahay :D
Sebenernya, aku itu udah punya mungkin lebih dri 3 blog, tp lupa password kabeh -,- *halah boong* eee! beneran kok :o tanya aja sama Allah ;3 hahaha
Okelaaah, kita mulai sajaa :) namaku tuh Jesslyn Monica Yudhi... Panggil aja Jesslyn :) Bagus ya? Iya dong :D wakakak ga jelas bgt ya aku -,- haha.. Namaku tuh langka yaa.. Jesslyn gitu hahaha bbrp org sih blg namaku itu kyk nama org kristen, terus ada yang blg jugak kalo namaku tu susah, aneh, dll... Guru2ku aja kalo ngabsen aku ampe kebingungan sendiri baca namaku-_- ada yg diem bbrp detik baru ngerti, ada yg blg "jelin" lah, "jeklin" lah, blablabla... Sebenernya sihh aku gasuka kalo ada org yg nyebutin namaku salah.. tp yaudahlah maklumin aja
Teruuuss, aku tuh lahir tanggal 16 desember 1998.. Masih muda :3 hihihi
Zodiakkuuu... Mmmm... Pikir aja ndiri ea :P
Status? Mmm.. saat ini aku lagi in a relationship with Edward Cullen :3 awawaww aku itu selingkuhannya.. Untung aja yah si Bella Swan kagak tau.. Kalo tau.. Hmm.. Aku bs dijadiin makan malam... Akakakakk nggak kok boongg
Mmmm terus pha gy eah?:3 wkwkwk alay-_-
kyk nya itu aja deh :D salam kenaaaaal everybodeh! ADIOS :*
Oh yaaa, btw, besok ultahku lho ;D jgn lupa PU nya :D *eh=D
Sebenernya, aku itu udah punya mungkin lebih dri 3 blog, tp lupa password kabeh -,- *halah boong* eee! beneran kok :o tanya aja sama Allah ;3 hahaha
Okelaaah, kita mulai sajaa :) namaku tuh Jesslyn Monica Yudhi... Panggil aja Jesslyn :) Bagus ya? Iya dong :D wakakak ga jelas bgt ya aku -,- haha.. Namaku tuh langka yaa.. Jesslyn gitu hahaha bbrp org sih blg namaku itu kyk nama org kristen, terus ada yang blg jugak kalo namaku tu susah, aneh, dll... Guru2ku aja kalo ngabsen aku ampe kebingungan sendiri baca namaku-_- ada yg diem bbrp detik baru ngerti, ada yg blg "jelin" lah, "jeklin" lah, blablabla... Sebenernya sihh aku gasuka kalo ada org yg nyebutin namaku salah.. tp yaudahlah maklumin aja
Teruuuss, aku tuh lahir tanggal 16 desember 1998.. Masih muda :3 hihihi
Zodiakkuuu... Mmmm... Pikir aja ndiri ea :P
Status? Mmm.. saat ini aku lagi in a relationship with Edward Cullen :3 awawaww aku itu selingkuhannya.. Untung aja yah si Bella Swan kagak tau.. Kalo tau.. Hmm.. Aku bs dijadiin makan malam... Akakakakk nggak kok boongg
Mmmm terus pha gy eah?:3 wkwkwk alay-_-
kyk nya itu aja deh :D salam kenaaaaal everybodeh! ADIOS :*
Oh yaaa, btw, besok ultahku lho ;D jgn lupa PU nya :D *eh=D
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